
  NEED TO SPREAD HUMANE VALUES IN SOCIETY THROUGH OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM (CATCH ‘EM YOUNG)   A lot of prominent sports personalities & life trainers have praised the Indian cricket team for their outstanding performances with vital, key observations being made about the life learnings to be had from the entire uplifting, gutsy showing by team members, both experienced & rookie. Learnings like never say die; don’t approach a situation with past mental baggage; believe in yourself; live in the moment & enjoy it; don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself; etc. etc. All of it ultimately building up to amazing victories & national pride.   However, there are other equally important learnings to be had from this amazing exhibition of raw guts & solid self-belief. That of the humane side of these heroes coming up the ranks whose origins are either rural or urban poor. A man who’s pillar of support, his father, passes away while he is abroad with the team. He retur